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Activity Info
laptop_mac Live Virtual Activity
cake 7 - 13 year olds
date_range Jan. 13, 2022
access_time 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time
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replay Thursdays
End date: March 3, 2022
local_offer CAD $280.00
* Additional fees and taxes may apply


This activity occurred in the past and is now expired
Delectable Dinners | Rooks to Cooks

Delectable Dinners | Rooks to Cooks

Cooking & Baking


Our virtual culinary academy was built to teach our students foundational culinary knowledge and skills in a fun, engaging and interactive way.  

All programs are conducted LIVE on Zoom by our experienced and passionate chef instructors. Through step-by-step instruction, your chef-to-be will learn valuable life and cooking skills as they cook their way through 5-star menus inspired by the season. While learning and practicing new culinary skills, their chefs will also share industry knowledge and theory promoting a holistic learning environment.

Zoom links, consolidated shopping lists, recipes, equipment needs, and set up instructions will be sent 1 week before your course. All savoury recipes will yield 4 servings to help with family meal prep!

Whether your child is a beginner looking to get the basics down or a budding chef eager to expand their recipe repertoire, build on their current foundation of knowledge and take their skills to the next level, Rooks to Cooks has a program for them. 

The recipes featured are optimal for teaching fundamental culinary knowledge and skills such as measuring, mixing, whisking, assembly, knife skills, stove top cooking, baking and more! Recipes have also been carefully selected to minimize the use of high risk equipment when possible in order to prioritize your child’s safety and encourage independence in the program. Every week students will learn to work with new equipment and ingredients, exposing your child to a large array of kitchen tools and flavours.  

Through their participation your child will become more independent, self-sufficient, confident and eager to continue cooking at home.  

All recipes have vegetarian and nut free alternatives. 

Most recipes also have gluten-free and vegan substitutions. All substitutions are pre-listed in your program package.



  • 1:10 Chef to student ratio
  • Digital recipe booklet
  • Recipies, consolodated shopping lists, equipment needs and set up instructions sent 1 week before first class
  • Some parental supervision recommended (student dependant)







Delectable Dinners is the best of both worlds! A fun after-school program designed to teach your child fundamental life and cooking skills. BONUS! It is a fantastic opportunity to get dinner prep completed by none other than your budding chef! During each class, your child will learn to cook a nutritious and delicious meal to be proud of. Ready in time for dinner!
We select recipes to optimize the hands-on practice of fundamental culinary skills. This includes knife skills, pan work, roasting, and more! Our instructors are experienced chefs who will be there every step of the way. They will guide the class through the recipe, answer questions, and offer support. Through this process, your child will build confidence and learns an array of new skills. What better way to keep them busy, engaged and learning while feeding the whole fam at the same time!?
Join us for our most delicious program yet. Delectable Dinners will be the night of the week the whole family looks forward to!
We encourage beginners to join our Dinners for Beginners as a prerequisite course or Foodie Families with parental support.

Menus are subject to change following the recipe testing period 

Hosted by Rooks to Cooks

Disclaimer: This is a live activity. While we do our best to monitor content uploaded to and linked from our website, we cannot guarantee the quality, relevance, and suitability of live content. If you spot anything inappropriate, please don’t hesitate to report this activity!

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