How it works
Activities hosted on Yayatopia cover a wide range of categories:
Music, Sports & Fitness, Education, Arts & Crafts, Food & Cooking, and Games. Some are just for kids while others invite parents to join in on the magic; in either case, these activities will keep your children engaged and focused in meaningful ways.
You can browse all of our available activities right from our homepage!
Choose from a selection of categories and filter by age, language, and schedule to find your kids’ next adventure.
To create a Yayatopia account, all you have to do is register using your Facebook or Google account.
While logged in, you can browse activities, mark your favorites to view them later, and even create your own!
Uploading an activity is just the wave of a wand, and here’s a quick overview of the process:
- 1. Insert a web link to your activity, if you have one
- 2. Title your activity
- 3. Briefly describe your activity
- 4. Select a category and age group
- 5. Select up to three languages
And that’s it! You can also add scheduling information, images, and a more detailed breakdown if preferred, but only the steps listed above are required to successfully upload an activity.
Like What You See? Share It With Your Friends!
Click the share button on any activity to spread the word through email or social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc).
Content disclaimer: At Yayatopia, we do our best to monitor content in an effort to ensure that any uploaded events and media are relevant and family-friendly, but things might slip through the cracks! If you notice anything fishy, be sure to flag it in and we’ll sort it out as soon as possible! Check out our detailed disclaimer.