This free printable

St. Patrick's Day Fortune Teller on

Print out the fortune teller template and trim off the excess paper, leaving you with a square. Fold the paper in half, point to point. Crease it then open it up again and repeat with the other two points.

St. Patrick's Day Fortune Teller on

Turn the printable over so that the design side is facing down. Using the creases to help guide you, fold each point into the center.

St. Patrick's Day Fortune Teller

Turn the folded paper upside down and repeat the process of folding each point up into the center.

St. Patrick's Day Fortune Teller craft on

Turn the paper over again and fold it in half and crease it. Open it up and fold it in half the other way, creasing it again.

St. Patrick's Day fortune teller on

Insert your thumb and index finger into two of the square pockets, and do the same thing with your other thumb and index finger.

St. Patrick's Day fortune teller craft on

To operate the cootie catcher, open and close in both directions using your fingers. Opening the catcher in one direction will display the letters “LUCK” and in the other direction will display the colors blue, green, yellow and red.

How to Play:

  1. Pick a number from 1-4 (fortune teller opens and closes catcher that many times)
  2. Choose either a color or a letter, depending on where the catcher ended up  (fortune teller opens and closes catcher by spelling the color or spelling the word luck up until they reach your letter).
  3. Select which section you would like read to you.

St. Patrick's Day fortune teller on


St. Patrick's Day fortune teller on