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Activity Info
laptop_mac Live Virtual Activity
cake 6 - 9 year olds
date_range Nov. 17, 2020
access_time 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Eastern Time
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local_offer Free


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Little Lab Coats: A Lesson on Endangered Animals & Conservation!

Little Lab Coats: A Lesson on Endangered Animals & Conservation!


Go on a scientific journey all around the world to examine different endangered species. Learn why some animals are endangered and how scientists are helping regrow certain populations. Brainstorm and draw your own ways in which you can help endangered animals!


No experience or previous knowledge required.

For Ages 6-9. Space is Limited.

Little Lab Coats is brought to you by Noble and Greenough Student, Niki, who has a passion for teaching science.

For more information please contact Youth Services Librarian, Laura Connell, at lconnell@minlib.net.

Register Here

Hosted by Dedham Public Library

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